Finally Attempting the Unclimbable (??) Desert Peak [VIDEO]

In this video I head to the area where two mighty deserts combine and form a series of extraordinary, out-of-the-way mountains. (Click here if you can’t see the video below.)

DATE FILMED: Late January 2025

* Where I started the video: 34.741337, -113.964417
* Where I started hiking: 34.40251, -113.75893
* Aubrey Peak: 34.400078, -113.794708
* Stav Is Lost page on Aubrey Peak
* Rock House Cabin: 34.44314, -113.77104
* Campsite: 34.68827, -113.66884

Adventure Artifacts – Pick up a one-of-a-kind print from my adventures, available for just one more week!
Adventure Know-How – My membership site that offers access to a map of my campsites, monthly bonus videos, and more.
Gear I use
SUV RVing the book (Amazon affiliate link)
Instagram (@SUVRVing)
SUV RVing Facebook group
My second YouTube channel (It’s about minimalist fly fishing)

Looking at More CHEAP Land to Live in a Camper On (LEGALLY!) [VIDEO]

In this video I explore 5 super cheap properties in Arizona where you can legally live in a camper! (Click here if you can’t see the video below.)

DATE FILMED: January 2025

* The original Arizona cheap land video
* A Colorado cheap land video I made
* Property 1 (general area): 35.26831, -114.31995
* Properties 2 & 3 (general area): 35.51154, -113.79742
* Property 4 (general area): 34.80349, -114.03688
* Property 5 (general area): 34.60287, -113.89595
* Campsite: 34.60007, -113.82208

Adventure Artifacts – Pick up a one-of-a-kind print from my adventures, available for just one more week!
Adventure Know-How – My membership site that offers access to a map of my campsites, monthly bonus videos, and more.
Gear I use
SUV RVing the book (Amazon affiliate link)
Instagram (@SUVRVing)
SUV RVing Facebook group
My second YouTube channel (It’s about minimalist fly fishing)

We’re Snowbirds Now—A Tour of Our New Place [VIDEO]

In this video we walk you through the why and where of our new home for the worst of the winter. (Click here if you can’t see the video below.)

DATE FILMED: Late January 2025

* Mojave Desert Peaks
* Hiking the Mojave Desert
* Rambles and Scrambles
* Arizona Mountains Gazetteer
* Nevada Trails Southern Region
* Fusion 360 for Makers
(These are all Amazon affiliate links.)

Adventure Artifacts – Pick up a one-of-a-kind print from my adventures, available for just one more week!
Adventure Know-How – My membership site that offers access to a map of my campsites, monthly bonus videos, and more.
Gear I use
SUV RVing the book (Amazon affiliate link)
Instagram (@SUVRVing)
SUV RVing Facebook group
My second YouTube channel (It’s about minimalist fly fishing)

We Bought a Big Tent Instead of a Camper [VIDEO]

In this video we head down south to Arizona for the winter and set up a temporary camp with some near gear you’re going to want to see… (Click here if you can’t see the video below.)

DATE FILMED: Mid-January 2025

* The tent
* The mattress
* The pump
* The cots
* The table
* USB light bulb
* Camp toilet

Adventure Artifacts – Pick up a one-of-a-kind print from my adventures, available for just one more week!
Adventure Know-How – My membership site that offers access to a map of my campsites, monthly bonus videos, and more.
Gear I use
SUV RVing the book (Amazon affiliate link)
Instagram (@SUVRVing)
SUV RVing Facebook group
My second YouTube channel (It’s about minimalist fly fishing)

The Most Amazing Place No One Knows About [VIDEO]

In this video I stumble across an under-the-radar cave that is one of the most incredible natural wonders I’ve ever seen. (Click here if you can’t see the video below.)

DATE FILMED: Late October 2024

* Lovelock Cave: 39.963345, -118.557771
* “Nameless” Cave: Sorry, no coordinates
* The Tombstone: 40.252964, -118.355333
* Airmail navigation arrow: 40.29599, -118.35181
* Where I started the hike in the Humboldt Mountains: 40.31890, -118.16078
* Gold Mountain: 40.31454, -118.15018
* Campsite: 40.33737, -118.13158

Adventure Artifacts – Pick up a one-of-a-kind print from my adventures, available for just one more week!
Adventure Know-How – My membership site that offers access to a map of my campsites, monthly bonus videos, and more.
Gear I use
SUV RVing the book (Amazon affiliate link)
Instagram (@SUVRVing)
SUV RVing Facebook group
My second YouTube channel (It’s about minimalist fly fishing)

The Amazing, Uncrowded Alternative to Crater Lake National Park [VIDEO]

In this video I head to Oregon and visit a place that I’d never heard of until I spotted it on the map, but it turned out to be an absolute gem! (Click here if you can’t see the video below.)

DATE FILMED: Mid-October 2024

* Paulina Peak Viewpoint: 43.689553, -121.254611
* Mt. Hood video
* The spires I climbed: 43.692240, -121.256830
* Obsidian Flow Trail (start): 43.706353, -121.235860
* Paulina Falls: 43.712539, -121.282479
* Peter Skene Ogden Trail: I parked at 43.71095, -121.32255 and walked west along the dirt road and eventually went down to the creek and crossed it. I got on the actual Peter Skene Ogden trail at 43.71334, -121.34829 and hiked it for just under 3 miles to the bridge across the creek at 43.712896, -121.313152, and from there I hiked back to where I parked.
* Campsite: 43.70983, -121.38026

Adventure Artifacts – Pick up a one-of-a-kind print from my adventures, available for just one more week!
Adventure Know-How – My membership site that offers access to a map of my campsites, monthly bonus videos, and more.
Gear I use
SUV RVing the book (Amazon affiliate link)
Instagram (@SUVRVing)
SUV RVing Facebook group
My second YouTube channel (It’s about minimalist fly fishing)

This Is Where I’ll Be Going in 2025 (Let’s Meet Up!) [VIDEO]

In this video I talk about where I’ll be going and what I’ll be doing in 2025! (Click here if you can’t see the video below.)

DATE FILMED: Early January 2025

* 2025 Rubber Tramp Rendezvous (RTR) schedule and info
* Come meet us at the Cars and SUVs Open House on Monday, January 13th from 11 am to 2 pm. We’ll be in the Quartzsite area to film rig tours and other stuff that Sunday, Monday, and Tuesday (12th, 13th, 14th)
* Get in touch with me here

* Roughly where I was filming this video: 41.580632, -109.170184

Adventure Artifacts – Pick up a one-of-a-kind print from my adventures, available for just one more week!
Adventure Know-How – My membership site that offers access to a map of my campsites, monthly bonus videos, and more.
Gear I use
SUV RVing the book (Amazon affiliate link)
Instagram (@SUVRVing)
SUV RVing Facebook group
My second YouTube channel (It’s about minimalist fly fishing)

I Finally Found the Weirdest Dead Tree in America

In this video I set out on my own to see if I can finally pinpoint something odd way, waaaay up the side of a cliff… (Click here if you can’t see the video below.)

DATE FILMED: October 2024

* Trees of Stone Interpretive Trail parking area: 46.947857, -120.035881
* Gift shop with big pieces of petrified wood: 46.950799, -119.990706
* Ginkgo Petrified Forest State Park visitor center: 46.954278, -119.987865
* Wild Horses Monument: 46.966043, -119.961633
* Frenchman Coulee (Vantage) parking area: 47.025111, -119.968139
* Air Guitar: 47.02317, -119.97473
* Goran’s book
* Goran’s eulogy
* Report by the Swedish Climbing Federation
* Where I parked for the Lodgestick Bluff hike: 47.159821, -119.980560
* Lodgestick Bluff viewpoint: 47.15676, -120.00184
* PDF with more info about Lodgestick Bluff
* Campsite: 47.30727, -120.73296

Adventure Artifacts – Pick up a one-of-a-kind print from my adventures, available for just one more week!
Adventure Know-How – My membership site that offers access to a map of my campsites, monthly bonus videos, and more.
Gear I use
SUV RVing the book (Amazon affiliate link)
Instagram (@SUVRVing)
SUV RVing Facebook group
My second YouTube channel (It’s about minimalist fly fishing)

Escaping Into the Mountains

In this video I head deep into a remote, obscure mountain range to get away from it all. (Click here if you can’t see the video below.)

DATE FILMED: Early October 2024

* Where I started and ended the loop hike: 48.95556, -117.08106
* Little Snowy Top: 48.973471, -117.003021
* Cabin ruins: 48.97430, -117.03310
* Campsite: 48.84713, -117.18841
* More info about this hike I did (Look for the “Alternate Routes” section on the page where it says this: “To shorten the loop to about 19 miles and cut the elevation gain in half, start out at the 506/535 trailhead (follow FR-2220 for another 5 miles uphill).” That’s what I did, though it turned out to be 21ish miles, not 19.

Adventure Artifacts – Pick up a one-of-a-kind print from my adventures, available for just one more week!
Adventure Know-How – My membership site that offers access to a map of my campsites, monthly bonus videos, and more.
Gear I use
SUV RVing the book (Amazon affiliate link)
Instagram (@SUVRVing)
SUV RVing Facebook group
My second YouTube channel (It’s about minimalist fly fishing)

Are the Canadian Rockies BETTER than the US Rockies?? [VIDEO]

After making 500+ videos about exploring the western United States, I head to the Canadian Rockies for the first time. (Click here if you can’t see the video below.)

DATE FILMED: Late September 2024

* Where I started the video: 52.879311, -118.078763
* Athabasca Falls: 52.664417, -117.883771
* Sunwapta Falls: 52.532161, -117.645060
* Stutfield Glacier Viewpoint: 52.273793, -117.308524
* Tangle Creek Falls: 52.267373, -117.286145
* Glacier Skywalk: 52.258799, -117.276946
* Toe of the Athabasca Glacier trailhead: 52.212097, -117.232652
* Nearby viewpoint that I really liked: 52.221049, -117.237567
* Moraine Lake: 51.326847, -116.181208
* Lake Louise: 51.416555, -116.217529
* Fairview Lookout: 51.41006, -116.22188
* Campsite: 48.97507, -116.14691

* Adventure Artifacts – Pick up a one-of-a-kind print from my adventures, available for just one more week!
Adventure Know-How – My membership site that offers access to a map of my campsites, monthly bonus videos, and more.
Gear I use
SUV RVing the book (Amazon affiliate link)
Instagram (@SUVRVing)
SUV RVing Facebook group
My second YouTube channel (It’s about minimalist fly fishing)