In this video I set off to drive what has been called the most beautiful or scenic drive in America. That’s quite the claim. Can it live up to the hype? (Click here if you can’t see the video below.)
DATE FILMED: Early September 2021
* Starting campsite: 44.93331, -109.70404
* Lake Creek Falls: 44.930040, -109.703418
* Long Lake: 44.94093, -109.50701
* Island Lake: 44.94507, -109.53931
* Beartooth Lake: 44.94465, -109.59204
* Beartooth Pass: 44.96912, -109.47127
* Smith Mining Disaster signs and buildings: 45.158487, -109.189114
* Heart Mountain Relocation Center: 44.673334, -108.947349
* Internment of Japanese Americans (Wikipedia)
* Devils Canyon Viewpoint (Bighorn Canyon National Recreation Area): 45.02176, -108.25108
* Campsite: 44.78405, -107.86911
* Adventure Know-How – My membership site that offers access to a map of my campsites, monthly bonus videos, and more.
* Kamchatka Gear (My online store)
* Gear I use
* SUV RVing the book (Amazon affiliate link)
* Instagram (@SUVRVing)
* SUV RVing Facebook group
* My second YouTube channel (It’s about minimalist fly fishing)