In this video I visit what turned out to be one of the most spectacular sights I’ve seen—a natural wonder, for sure! (Click here if you can’t see the video below.)
DATE FILMED: August 2020
* Parking for the geyser: 43.5595, -109.7297
* The geyser: 43.5603, -109.7319
* Info about the flume
* Parking for the bridge: 43.5556, -109.7405
* The bridge: 43.5550, -109.7449
* Campsite: 43.55275, -109.72691
* Cable dam: 43.5540, -109.8065
* Independence Rock: 42.4935, -107.1318
* Final campsite: 40.9491, -105.6769
* Adventure Know-How – My membership site that offers access to a map of my campsites, monthly bonus videos, and more.
* Kamchatka Gear (My online store)
* Gear I use
* SUV RVing the book (Amazon affiliate link)
* Instagram (@SUVRVing)
* SUV RVing Facebook group
* My second YouTube channel (It’s about minimalist fly fishing)