Fantastic “No-Build” Minivan Camper Tour! (Dodge Grand Caravan) [VIDEO]

In this video we meet Jo Ann and take a look at her “no-build” 2018 Dodge Grand Caravan minivan. “No-build” means that you basically just buy pieces and stick them in your vehicle. No need to actually build anything with wood, nails, screws, etc. (Click here if you can’t see the video below.)

Jo Ann on showering: “For showering, while boondocking, I just use one of those pump sprayers, that I have entered the link for below, or I use wipes, and I also have a collapsible tub that I can use to just add water to and wash with a wash cloth and soap. Of course for the urban camping, I have a Planet Fitness membership.”

Jo Ann on toilets: “My toilet folds up and fits right in the wicker basket, and it can also be used as a stool or footrest. I keep plastic bags ( and kitty litter along with packets of Eco Gel ( that is supposed to help with smells. I mostly use a pee bottle, because most of my camping so far has been urban, as I said, and so for the big jobs I have been fortunate to be close to facilities. However I am prepared if the need should arise.”

Jo Ann on her bed: “I cut [the mattress] to fit the bed. It is about 39 inches wide and my bed is only 24 inches wide: I was just given a trifold 1 inch yoga mat that fits my bed perfectly, so I can now use that under my foam mattress for a little more support. Another thing I did since the tour, is I shortened the legs of my bed about 2 1/2 inches, to give myself a little more room to sit up straighter on the bed. The bins still fit perfectly under it for storage.”

* Home Depot shelving (bed frame)
* Foam mattress
* Bench with drawers
* Jackery Explorer 240 power station
* Adjustable floor chair
* Rechargeable fan
* Brown plastic drawers

* Portable toilet
* Pump sprayer (used as a shower)
* 1-burner butane stove
* Jackery 60-Watt portable solar panel
* Pop-up privacy tent

Kamchatka Gear (My online store)
Gear I use
SUV RVing the book (Affiliate link)
Instagram (@SUVRVing)
SUV RVing Facebook group
My second YouTube channel (It’s about minimalist fly fishing)

SOLO CAMPING FEARS: Serial Killers, Meth Heads, Crazy People, etc. [VIDEO]

In this video I answer your solo camping questions by talking about my experiences with crazy people on the road and how you can be more comfortable when camping alone. (Click here if you can’t see the video below.)

* Car camping in bear country video
* Curtains/window covering video 1
* Easy curtains/window covering video 2
* Boondocking Tips: What Makes a Good Campsite?
* How to Find Free Campsites (for Vanlife, Car Camping, RVing, etc.)
* Dispersed Camping on Public Lands Explained! (Finding Free & Cheap Campsites)

Kamchatka Gear (My online store)
Gear I use
SUV RVing the book (Affiliate link)
Instagram (@SUVRVing)
SUV RVing Facebook group
My second YouTube channel (It’s about minimalist fly fishing)

Exploring a Jurassic Park-Like Canyon with Another YouTuber! [VIDEO]

In this video I meet up with a famous YouTuber to go an adventure deep in the remote Sierra Ancha mountains! The terrain and scenery was straight from Jurassic Park. (Click here if you can’t see the video above.)

Be sure to check out Joe’s channel, Homesteadonomics, here!

DATE FILMED: January 2020

* Trailhead: 33.8235, -110.8600
* Info about the ruins we were trying to get to
* Devils Chasm Ruins location: 33.8139, -110.8768
* Campsite location: 33.6813, -110.8586

Kamchatka Gear (My online store)
Gear I use
SUV RVing the book (Affiliate link)
Instagram (@SUVRVing)
SUV RVing Facebook group
My second YouTube channel (It’s about minimalist fly fishing)

The Least Crowded National Park I’ve Ever Been To! [VIDEO]

In this video I head into what I consider the forgotten national park of Arizona. It turns out to be the least crowded national park I’ve ever visited! (Click here if you can’t see the video below.)

DATE FILMED: January 2020

* Blue Mesa Trail trailhead: 34.939452, -109.756261
* Newspaper Rock: 34.961878, -109.798918
* Puerco Pueblo trailhead: 34.975889, -109.793943
* Route 66 1932 Studebaker: 35.051156, -109.805293
* Painted Desert viewpoints: 35.081167, -109.801608 (There are more to the south.)
* Crystal Forest trailhead: 34.863768, -109.791916
* Long Logs/Agate House parking trailhead: 34.814691, -109.861779
* Agate House: 34.805104, -109.861598
* Campsite: 35.1783, -111.4100

Kamchatka Gear (My online store)
Gear I use
SUV RVing the book (Affiliate link)
Instagram (@SUVRVing)
SUV RVing Facebook group
My second YouTube channel (It’s about minimalist fly fishing)

Touring an Amazingly Spacious Small Pop-Up Truck Camper! [VIDEO]

In this video we take a thorough look at Bill and Maureen’s 2014 Toyota Tacoma long bed with Four Wheel Campers’s Fleet model pop-up camper in the back. I love how surprisingly spacious the camper is. It felt much larger inside than it looked on the outside. You can also tell that everything is well-built and of high quality. This thing was built to last. (Click here if you can’t see the video below.)

I didn’t film Bill saying how much the camper cost (he told me off-camera), but If you Google “Four Wheel Camper cost,” the first result shows a 2020 Four Wheel Fleet MSRP being $19,395. That’s similar to the number that Bill told me.

* Four Wheel Campers
* BFG KO2 Tires

Kamchatka Gear (My online store)
Gear I use
SUV RVing the book (Affiliate link)
Instagram (@SUVRVing)
SUV RVing Facebook group
My second YouTube channel (It’s about minimalist fly fishing)

Remote Adventures in the Four Corners Region! [VIDEO]

In this video I visit a Colorado folk art oddity, make snow angels at the literal Four Corners, and spend time exploring what has to be one of the most remote units in the US national park system. (Click here if you can’t see the video below.)

DATE FILMED: January 2020

* Frost Blocker
* Quack quack quack signs: 37.352943, -108.572656 (I think they were were around here)
* Muffler art: 37.413629, -108.577053
* Four Corners Monument: 36.998982, -109.045184
* White House Trail trailhead: 36.130490, -109.477586
* White House Ruin: 36.133843, -109.470547
* Junction Overlook (Junction Ruin and First Ruin): 36.137932, -109.493377
* Tsegi Overlook (Not sure of the name of that ruin): 36.138958, -109.512205
* Face Rock Overlook: 36.104529, -109.367612
* Spider Rock Overlook: 36.105709, -109.355414
* Mummy Cave Overlook: 36.228674, -109.361412
* Antelope House Overlook: 36.158225, -109.440465
* Campsite in Cottonwood Campground: 36.149385, -109.539584
* Massacre Cave Overlook: 36.236737, -109.359717

* Song 1: Wandering Nomad by Cody Francis
* Song 2: We’re Gonna Be Okay by Cody Francis

Kamchatka Gear (My online store)
Gear I use
SUV RVing the book (Affiliate link)
Instagram (@SUVRVing)
SUV RVing Facebook group
My second YouTube channel (It’s about minimalist fly fishing)

Don’t Visit This National Park in Winter! [VIDEO]

This is the first video from a 3-week trip I did to Arizona and back. Here I stop in the southwest corner of Colorado to visit a national park I’d been to just one time before. Pro tip: Don’t go in winter. (Click here if you can’t see the video below.)

DATE FILMED: January 2020

* Campsite: 37.35950, -108.42514
* Farview Sites: 37.2380, -108.5040
* Spruce Tree House: 37.1839, -108.4870
* Square Tower House Overlook: 37.1657, -108.4916
* Sun Point View (first look at Cliff Palace): 37.1625, -108.4751
* Fire Temple/Newfire House Overlook: 37.1633, -108.4769 (I think these are the coordinates…)
* Point Lookout winter trailhead: 37.2980, -108.4155
* Point Lookout summit: 37.3159, -108.4188

Kamchatka Gear (My online store)
Gear I use
SUV RVing the book (Affiliate link)
Instagram (@SUVRVing)
SUV RVing Facebook group
My second YouTube channel (It’s about minimalist fly fishing)

Woman Lives in a Toyota RAV4 Full-Time! (Rig Tour) [VIDEO]

Think you need a big ol’ Sprinter van if you’re planning on living on the road full-time? Think again! In this video we meet 3, who lives full-time in her 1997 Toyota RAV4. (Click here if you can’t see the video below.)

Kamchatka Gear (My online store)
Gear I use
SUV RVing the book (Affiliate link)
Instagram (@SUVRVing)
SUV RVing Facebook group
My second YouTube channel (It’s about minimalist fly fishing)

Grand Teton National Park in Winter (TONS of Wildlife!) [VIDEO]

In this video I head to western Wyoming to spend a couple of days in magnificent Grand Teton National Park. This park is one of my favorites, but I’d never been there in winter. Until now… (Click here if you can’t see the video below.)

DATE FILMED: Early March 2020

* Jackson Town Square (elk antler arch park): 43.4800, -110.7618
* Skinny Skis
* Taggart Lake trailhead: 43.6932, -110.7324
* I skied as far as here before going to Jenny Lake: 43.75426, -110.71538
* National Elk Refuge viewpoint: 43.52478, -110.74175
* Campsite: 43.9045, -110.6448
* Check out Joe’s channel, Homesteadonomics (You’ll be seeing him in a couple of future videos)
* National Museum of Wildlife Art: 43.5191, -110.7490

* Song 1: Western Call by Cody Francis
* Song 2: Five Tribes by Hunter Quinn

Kamchatka Gear (My online store)
Gear I use
SUV RVing the book (Affiliate link)
Instagram (@SUVRVing)
SUV RVing Facebook group
My second YouTube channel (It’s about minimalist fly fishing)

3 Days Exploring the Desert You Never Hear About [VIDEO]

Arizona? Utah? Nevada? Nope. In this video, I spend three days exploring the desert in my adopted home state, Idaho. The state is known for its mountains and forests, but the southern part is a shockingly impressive high desert. (Click here if you can’t see the video below.)

DATE FILMED: Late October 2019

* Oregon Trail ruts: 42.6909, -112.9626
* Register Rock: 42.6527, -113.0169
* Cauldron Linn: 42.495805, -114.131993
* A bit about the history of Cauldron Linn
* Night 1 campsite: 42.277418, -114.062705
* Evel Knievel jump site: 42.5971, -114.4229
* Video of Evel Knievel’s attempt
* Successful 2016 crossing of the canyon
* Malad Gorge State Park (Devils Washbowl): 42.8671, -114.8539
* Bruneau Canyon Overlook: 42.692055, -115.671327
* Night 2 campsite: 42.5485, -115.9053
* Final hiking and fishing spot: Sorry, this one’s a secret for now! But I gave enough clues in the video to make it not too difficult for the motivated adventurer to find.
* The fishing video on my other channel from this location

Kamchatka Gear (My online store)
Gear I use
SUV RVing the book (Affiliate link)
Instagram (@SUVRVing)
SUV RVing Facebook group
My second YouTube channel (It’s about minimalist fly fishing)