Starting a New Journey Together! [VIDEO]

Off we go on our Christmastime adventure! (Click here if you can’t see the video below.)

DATE FILMED: Late December 2018

* Meadow Hot Spring: 38.864274, -112.507756
* Dinosaur Tracks: 37.2250, -113.4018
* Anasazi Ruins: 37.2236, -113.3997
* Campsite: 37.268605, -113.373132

Gear I use
SUV RVing the book (Affiliate link)
Instagram (@SUVRVing)
My second channel (It’s about minimalist fly fishing)

The Big Battery Pack You Can Take With You (Jackery PowerBar Review) [VIDEO]

In this video I review the Jackery PowerBar. It’s a big ol’ battery with a 110-volt wall socket on one end. If you have the need for it, it’s a really great thing to have. (Click here if you can’t see the video below.)

VIDEO LINKS (Amazon affiliate links)
* Jackery PowerBar
* The little fan I use
* The solar panel the guy in one of the reviews mentioned
* The cable you’d need to charge the Power Bar with the solar panel
* Jackery Explorer 240 video review I did

If you buy the PowerBar and review it and want a free Jackery Bolt, send an email to Jackery customer service (tester at jackery dot com) with a link to your Amazon review after you’ve written it. They’ll send you a free Jackery Bolt. I’m not involved in this at all, so if you have any questions, email Jackery.

Gear I use
SUV RVing the book (Affiliate link)
Instagram (@SUVRVing)
My second channel (It’s about minimalist fly fishing)

Don’t Watch This If Heights Scare You [VIDEO]

In this video I climb an amazing desert mountain and reach one of the most spectacular vistas I’ve ever seen. (Click here if you don’t see the video below.)

DATE FILMED: November 2018

* First campsite (The one I started hiking from): 38.8419, -110.8779
* San Rafael Knob: 38.8131, -110.8544
* Campsite at end of the video: 38.8819, -110.4502

Gear I use
SUV RVing the book (Affiliate link)
Instagram (@SUVRVing)
My second channel (It’s about minimalist fly fishing)

I Live for This Kind of Stuff [VIDEO]

In this video I share some truly remote and obscure—and fascinating—finds in the desert. (Click here if you can’t see the video below.)

DATE FILMED: November 2018

* I’m not going to share the coordinates of most things in this video. My general rule about this is that if the coordinates are readily available online, I’ll also share them. If they’re not, I won’t share them. I feel that this is especially important when it comes to Native American sites, etc.
* Mussentuchit Dune: 38.6683, -111.1832
* Campsite: 38.8419, -110.8779

Gear I use
SUV RVing the book (Affiliate link)
Instagram (@SUVRVing)
My second channel (It’s about minimalist fly fishing)

Snow Camping in Washington with My Brother! [VIDEO]

This video was filmed just last weekend. It’s out of order in the grander video timeline (I still have videos from other trips I went on in November and December), but I figured it would be fun to have some real winter videos while it’s still winter. (Click here if you can’t see the video below.)

DATE FILMED: Early February 2019

* Blewett Pass (trailhead): 47.3356, -120.5805
* Campsite: 47.3445, -120.6231
* End of trail: 47.3433, -120.6556
* Top of hill: 47.3396, -120.6072

Gear I use
SUV RVing the book (Affiliate link)
Instagram (@SUVRVing)
My second channel (It’s about minimalist fly fishing)

First Time Camping After Hip Surgery [VIDEO]

In this video I go on a mellow overnight camping trip in the mountains near my home—the first camping trip after my surgery in late August. (Click here if you can’t see the video below.)

DATE FILMED: September 27, 2018

* Campsite: 41.4602, -111.9395

Gear I use
SUV RVing the book (Affiliate link)
Instagram (@SUVRVing)
My second channel (It’s about minimalist fly fishing)