Chapter 7: Toilets and Bathing

These are links to relevant things that I mention briefly in Chapter 7.


Portable toilets (flush and otherwise) on Amazon

This is the toilet seat that I bought and used to make my folding toilet.

Double Doodie bags used for portable non-flush toilets

Portable privacy tents for camp toilets and showers – Pay special attention to the height of these. Some are not suitable for taller adults.


Portable powered showers that use propane to heat up the water include several models by the company Zodi. If you’re looking for a powered shower that doesn’t use propane, something like this might work well.

This is the video that I used to make my sprayer shower.

You can buy ready-made sprayer showers from Hot Jugz. If you like the idea of the sprayer shower but want something that takes up less space, check out the Nemo Helio Pressure Shower.

I bought this portable solar shower and used it a few times before realizing that this type of shower just isn’t for me. But if you want to try this kind, this is a good one to get.

This is a pretty darn neat pressurized solar shower that you keep on top of your vehicle. It’s also available on Amazon.

For dirtbag showering, check out shower wipe products like Athletic Body WipesHyperGo After Sports Wipes, and GoodWipes, among others. I usually use Coleman Biowipes (they’re readily available at most Walmarts).

Anytime Fitness is the most ubiquitous gym and a good option if you want to take showers all over the place.