Category Archives: Videos

SUV RVing, SUV camping, and vanlife videos.

Car Troubles in Gorgeous Places (Uh Oh) [VIDEO]

In this video I go through a roller coaster ride as far as my car’s issues go, but not before enjoying some absolutely incredible high-country scenery. (Click here if you can’t see the video below.)

DATE FILMED: Early August 2024

* Campsite where I started the video: 37.44683, -108.01177
* Trailhead: 37.451746, -108.011619
* Efendi Peak: 37.46047, -108.03474
* La Plata Mountains book
* Ending campsite: 37.63815, -107.92617
* Map of sections 23 and 24 of the Colorado Trail

Adventure Know-How – My membership site that offers access to a map of my campsites, monthly bonus videos, and more.
Gear I use
SUV RVing the book (Amazon affiliate link)
Instagram (@SUVRVing)
SUV RVing Facebook group
My second YouTube channel (It’s about minimalist fly fishing)

A Moab-Style Adventure Without the Moab Crowds! [VIDEO]

In this video I leave the crowds behind as I head out into the desert in search of a couple of little-known gems… (Click here if you can’t see the video below.)

DATE FILMED: August 2024

* Starting campsite: 38.55566, -108.93353
* Where I crossed the river: 38.558652, -108.916075
* Mammut Runbold pants
* Juanita Arch: 38.574583, -108.893710
* page for Juanita Arch
* Article with the picture of the dinosaur prints
* Ending campsite: 37.44683, -108.01177
* The Notch: 37.440871, -108.007797

Adventure Know-How – My membership site that offers access to a map of my campsites, monthly bonus videos, and more.
Gear I use
SUV RVing the book (Amazon affiliate link)
Instagram (@SUVRVing)
SUV RVing Facebook group
My second YouTube channel (It’s about minimalist fly fishing)

She Lives Full-Time in an Old Military Trailer! [VIDEO]

In this video we meet up with Julianna, who lives on the road in her FJ Cruiser and military trailer turned tiny house. (Click here if you can’t see the video below.)

This was filmed back in January. A couple months later, Julianna’s FJ Cruiser died (RIP), and she now pulls the trailer with a Toyota Tundra. And I just found out yesterday that she’s also selling the trailer, so reach out to her if you’re interested!

** Check out Julianna on YouTube here: @TheOverlanderNextdoor
** And here she is on Instagram: @TheOverlanderNextdoor

* Pink gas cans
* Air fryer
* Little black electric tea kettle
* Pink hot pot
* USB light bulb with switch
* USB fan
* Thermometer and carbon monoxide detector
(Note that these are Amazon affiliate links.)


Can You Sleep on a Cot in an SUV? (And SHOULD You??)

I spent a few nights camping on a cot in my SUV, and I have thoughts! (Click here if you can’t see the video below.)

* The cot
* The camp mattress
* Coordinates of where I filmed this: 41.44858, -109.15727
(Those are Amazon affiliate links.)

Adventure Know-How – My membership site that offers access to a map of my campsites, monthly bonus videos, and more.
Gear I use
SUV RVing the book (Amazon affiliate link)
Instagram (@SUVRVing)
SUV RVing Facebook group
My second YouTube channel (It’s about minimalist fly fishing)

Riding a Scooter 600 Miles Across Washington on Backroads!

Some 2,700 miles after setting off from home, I finally make my way across Washington state and arrive at the Pacific Ocean. (Click here if you can’t see the video below.)

DATE FILMED: Early June 2024

* Sherman Pass: 48.607349, -118.479394
* Upper Sherman Creek Falls: 48.62447, -118.41933
* Columbia Peak: 48.620676, -118.482396
* The taco place
* Lake Chelan: 47.841421, -120.043958
* Ridgetop Campsite: 47.79223, -120.42849
* Peshastin Pinnacles State Park: 47.540875, -120.520096
* Ferry: 47.813305, -122.385440
* Strait Slice: 48.118241, -123.431984
* Forest campsite: 48.05916, -124.08092

Adventure Know-How – My membership site that offers access to a map of my campsites, monthly bonus videos, and more.
Gear I use
SUV RVing the book (Amazon affiliate link)
Instagram (@SUVRVing)
SUV RVing Facebook group
My second YouTube channel (It’s about minimalist fly fishing)

My First Time in Canada—Is It as Beautiful as They Say?

In this video I finally make it to Canada for the first time, having ridden my scooter all the way from my home in Wyoming. Buckle up! (Click here if you can’t see the video below.)

DATE FILMED: Early June 2024

* The Glass House: 49.404958, -116.741394
* North Woven Broom: 49.679363, -116.824156
* Pilot Bay Lighthouse: 49.638836, -116.884667
* Kootenay Lake Ferry: 49.675208, -116.872946
* Fletcher Creek Falls trailhead: 49.836296, -116.901234
* SS Moyie: 49.911648, -116.902288
* Campsite: 49.96971, -116.99199
* Retallack Giant Cedars: 50.042085, -117.150536
* Lake with the toad corridor: 50.045770, -117.180378
* Nikei Internment Memorial Center: 49.986713, -117.375251
* James Johnstone Regional Park: 49.505819, -117.297212
* Glade Ferry: 49.395217, -117.544533
* Glade Creek Falls: 49.37786, -117.54121
* Doukhobor Cemetery: 49.393920, -117.536256
* Campsite: 48.76230, -118.28353

Adventure Know-How – My membership site that offers access to a map of my campsites, monthly bonus videos, and more.
Gear I use
SUV RVing the book (Amazon affiliate link)
Instagram (@SUVRVing)
SUV RVing Facebook group
My second YouTube channel (It’s about minimalist fly fishing)

The Tiny Road Through One of the Last Wild Places!

In this video I explore a little slice of the western US that few people have heard of, let alone visited. And it’s spectacular! (Click here if you can’t see the video below.)

DATE FILMED: Early June 2024

* The bridge: 48.826229, -115.267038
* Webb Mountain Lookout trailhead: 48.818250, -115.290581
* Webb Mountain Lookout: 48.817952, -115.343820
* Libby: 48.388286, -115.555817
* Yaak Falls: 48.648232, -115.885049

Adventure Know-How – My membership site that offers access to a map of my campsites, monthly bonus videos, and more.
Gear I use
SUV RVing the book (Amazon affiliate link)
Instagram (@SUVRVing)
SUV RVing Facebook group
My second YouTube channel (It’s about minimalist fly fishing)

The Most INCREDIBLE Natural Arch You’ve Never Heard Of! [VIDEO]

In this video I finally tick off an adventure that’s been on my list for years! And in the process, I figure out why no one else does it… (Click here if you can’t see the video below.)

DATE FILMED: Early June 2024

* Blodgett Canyon Trailhead: 46.268637, -114.243312
* Bridge: 46.273143, -114.298647
* Horsehead Arch: 46.265124, -114.310016
* Log crossing: 46.273516, -114.305087
* Campsite: 46.11351, -114.01249

Adventure Know-How – My membership site that offers access to a map of my campsites, monthly bonus videos, and more.
Gear I use
SUV RVing the book (Amazon affiliate link)
Instagram (@SUVRVing)
SUV RVing Facebook group
My second YouTube channel (It’s about minimalist fly fishing)

Riding a Scooter 700 Miles to Canada—and Camping Along the Way! [VIDEO]

In this video I set out on my multi-day scooter road trip to Canada and beyond! (Click here if you can’t see the video below.)

DATE FILMED: Late May 2024

* Lombard Ferry: 41.880066, -109.807681
* Dinky Engine: 42.656302, -111.603474
* Geyser Park: 42.657300, -111.605227
* Soda Springs video
* Idaho campsite: 43.83080, -111.99758
* Tower Rock Recreation Site: 45.311634, -113.906607
* Montana campsite: 46.11351, -114.01249
* The tent (Amazon affiliate link)
* The chair (Amazon affiliate link)

Adventure Know-How – My membership site that offers access to a map of my campsites, monthly bonus videos, and more.
Gear I use
SUV RVing the book (Amazon affiliate link)
Instagram (@SUVRVing)
SUV RVing Facebook group
My second YouTube channel (It’s about minimalist fly fishing)

I Bought the Most Impractical Adventure Vehicle! [VIDEO]

In this video I finally reveal the new adventure rig. It’s, um… different. (Click here if you can’t see the video below.)

* Where I filmed this video: 41.37396, -109.29804

Adventure Know-How – My membership site that offers access to a map of my campsites, monthly bonus videos, and more.
Gear I use
SUV RVing the book (Amazon affiliate link)
Instagram (@SUVRVing)
SUV RVing Facebook group
My second YouTube channel (It’s about minimalist fly fishing)